Oh taste and see that the LORD is good🍁

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!  Psalms 34: 8

What Is the Meaning of the Verse 'Taste and See that the Lord is Good' 
Let’s investigate the meaning of the verse ‘Taste and See that the Lord is Good’ by starting with Psalms, specifically 34:8. “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! (PS 34:8 ESV)
Consider the first part of this verse a warm hand extended in love—an invitation to draw close to God, to experience His love and the goodness surrounding Him. He offers protection, direction, peace, forgiveness, wisdom, and more. He is good.  Taking refuge in the Lord indicates we trust Him—whether our situation or circumstances are good or bad. We run to Him for the little things in life, the big ones, too. And sometimes, leaning on God during those hard situations are when we truly taste and see His goodness the most.
When we depend on God and willingly look to our Father to meet our needs, provide direction and protection, and so forth, He calls us blessed. He coats us with His favor. 
Will You Taste and See That the Lord is Good?
Trusting God is like biting into a vibrantly colored piece of fruit that drips sweet, mouth-watering flavor. Watching the sun set on the horizon as it washes the sky with jaw-dropping pinks, yellows, oranges, and reds is like seeing His goodness in an unforgettable way. The choice is personal—one-on-one with God. Today, will you taste and see that He is good?


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